(1) This website: belongs to the company under the trade name “TAF MEDIA ADVERTISING – TELEVISION & NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGY SOCIETE ANONYME” (“TAF MEDIA”) which provides the following services and operates under the terms of use set forth below. The users/visitors of the website’s pages are invited to read the terms of use and the data protection policy carefully and to remain on the website only if they fully accept them.
(2) Visiting/using this website presupposes the unconditional acceptance of the terms of use described herein.
(3) The rights to the website’s content (e.g., programs, plans, information, data) are protected on a case-by-case basis by Greek or international intellectual property laws and belong exclusively to TAF MEDIA or their respective beneficiary. They are made available to customers and visitors of the website strictly for personal, non-commercial, i.e., non-profit, use.
(4) The logos and marks of TAF MEDIA or third-party products or services constitute the rights of TAF MEDIA or such third parties. Their display on the website does not constitute a transfer or assignment of a license or right to use them. Save certain exceptions, all content on this website, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, services provided and all files on this website in general, are the copyright/intellectual property, marks or registered trademarks of TAF MEDIA or third parties, and are protected by the relevant provisions of Greek law, European law, and international conventions and treaties. None of them may be sold, copied, modified, reproduced, republished, or “uploaded,” transmitted or distributed in any way, either in whole or in part. Visitors/users understand and accept that they are not entitled to reproduce, copy, sell, resell or commercially exploit, in whole or in part, the content of this website. Therefore, any copying, distribution, transfer, processing, resale, creation of derivative works, or misleading the public about the actual provider of this website’s content is prohibited. Any reproduction, republication, “upload,” disclosure, dissemination, transmission, or any other use of the content in any way or by any medium, for commercial or other purposes, is permitted only with the prior written permission of TAF MEDIA or another copyright/intellectual property rights holder.
(5) TAF MEDIA uses its best efforts to ensure that the content, information, and data displayed on the website are accurate and correct but bears no responsibility for their reliability, completeness, or timeliness. TAF MEDIA provides the content (e.g., plans, information, names, photographs, illustrations) on an “AS IS” basis, without any guarantee, either expressed or implied. It is understood that the guarantees of satisfactory quality, suitability, inviolability of compatibility, safety, and accuracy are observed. In no case is TAF MEDIA liable for any claims of a legal, civil or criminal nature, or for any damages (actual, special or consequential, which include, but are not limited, alternatively or cumulatively, to loss of profits, data, lost future gains, pecuniary compensation, etc.) raised by visitors/users of this website or third parties on grounds related to the website’s operation or non-operation or use or the failure to provide services or information made available by the website or to any unauthorized interference of third parties with services or information available through the website.
(6) The TAF MEDIA website: may include advertisements of any kind. These services and any new services added to the TAF MEDIA website are subject to these terms of use unless explicitly stated otherwise.
(7) Visitors/users are responsible for accessing the services of the TAF MEDIA website: The relevant access may require the payment of fees to third parties (e.g., internet service providers, charge for time spent on the internet), and the visitors/users are solely responsible for their payment. They are solely responsible for the adequacy of their equipment with technological means allowing them to access the services of the TAF MEDIA website:
(8) The TAF MEDIA website: must be used exclusively for legal purposes and in a way that does not restrict or prevent its use by third parties. Visitors/users of the website must use the TAF MEDIA website: according to the law, moral conventions, and these terms of use. The website’s visitors/users must not take any actions or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to this website, or adversely affect or prejudice the provision of TAF MEDIA services.
(9) This website may contain references (links) to third-party websites. TAF MEDIA bears no responsibility concerning the content of their web pages or any damage resulting from their use, as visitors/users of the ΤAF MEDIA website: access them at their own risk. TAF MEDIA is under no obligation to check the availability, content, personal data protection policy, quality, and completeness of the services provided by other websites and web pages, to which it refers through links or advertisements. TAF MEDIA in no way endorses or accepts the content or services of the websites and web pages to which it refers and is not connected to them in any other way.
(10) TAF MEDIA shall use its best efforts to ensure the proper functioning of its network, including this website.
(11) TAF MEDIA reserves the right to modify, complement, change the website’s content or services, as well as the terms of use, whenever it deems so necessary, without prior notice, only by making the relevant announcements through its website.
(12) Given the form of the Internet, under no circumstances, including negligence, shall TAF MEDIA bear any liability for any damage suffered by visitors/users of this website. Also, TAF MEDIA does not guarantee that any relevant website or servers through which they are made available to visitors/users will be uninterrupted in terms of completeness or availability of the contents, web pages, services, options or results of their use.
(13) The present text of this website, including any amendments hereafter, is governed by Greek law, European law, and related international conventions/treaties. If any term in this text is in conflict with the law, it shall cease to be valid in itself and shall be removed from this text of terms of use and data protection policy without altering the remaining content of this text. This notice constitutes the entire agreement between TAF MEDIA and the visitors/users of TAF MEDIA websites and is binding solely upon them. No amendment to these terms of use shall be taken into consideration and shall not form part of this agreement unless proven in writing and incorporated into these terms of use.
(14) When visiting and using the TAF MEDIA website:, visitors/users of the TAF MEDIA website may be asked to state their (personal) data (name, profession, e-mail address, etc.) to enable communication with them, the visitors/users explicitly consenting to such communication. It is made clear that TAF MEDIA does not have a publicly accessible list of e-mail addresses of its website’s visitors/users. Consequently, personal data (e.g., usernames, etc.) that appear anywhere on the web pages and services of the TAF MEDIA website: are intended exclusively to ensure the operation of the above communication and will not be used by any third party without compliance with the provisions of laws 2472/97, 3471/06, and Regulation 679/2016 regarding protection in relation to the processing of personal data, as in force.
(15) TAF MEDIA operates under the laws applicable in Greece, aiming at the best policy regarding the use of the internet. Personal data is kept securely for as long as visitors/users of the TAF MEDIA website remain registered in TAF MEDIA files. Personal data is completely deleted in any case of termination of the data subject’s relationship with TAF MEDIA. The contents of the TAF MEDIA files may also be made available to the competent judicial authorities, public order authorities, and other administrative authorities upon request submitted under the relevant legislation on privacy protection and communications security.
(16) If the visitors/users of the TAF MEDIA website: wish to change or delete personal data from TAF MEDIA’s files, they must notify TAF MEDIA in writing, explicitly stating the desired change or deletion. TAF MEDIA may then contact them to verify their statement concerning the change or deletion of their personal data.
(17) TAF MEDIA takes security measures to prevent the loss, misuse, or alteration of personal data of visitors/users of the TAF MEDIA website which is under its control; however, because no security system or data transmission system via the Internet can provide 100% security, and although TAF MEDIA uses its best efforts to protect the personal data of its website’s visitors/users, TAF MEDIA does not, therefore, guarantee the security of its servers, the media by which the information is transferred from the data subject’s computer to the TAF MEDIA servers or any information obtained by TAF MEDIA in respect of this website.
(18) Unless otherwise stated in this website, these terms of use and TAF MEDIA data protection policy are immediately effective in their entirety and are accepted by visitors/users of the TAF MEDIA website in their entirety and without any reservation, rejection, opposition or denial, whether express or implied.
Privacy Policy
The company “TAF MEDIA ADVERTISING – TELEVISION & NEW MEDIA TECHNOLOGY SOCIETE ANONYME” (“TAF MEDIA”) recognizes the importance of the protection of confidential information concerning the user or visitor (“User”) of the website: http://www. (“Website”). Therefore, TAF MEDIA shall use its best efforts to ensure that the User’s personal data enjoys the maximum protection of the law. Therefore, every User needs to read carefully how the information collected by TAF MEDIA during his/her visit to the Website: is used.
TAF MEDIA does not share the User’s personal information with other persons unless it has already asked for and received the User’s explicit consent.
Regarding the collection and processing of personal data, each User needs to read the terms and conditions of use of the Website carefully.